New formed String Trio together with Alberico Giussani and Clara Vedeche (Violin/Viola/Cello) experiences all possibles terrains around sound from classical music, to Jazz, electro, improvisation, music for meditation.
Site under construction
Orquesta Típica de Tango leaded by Roger Helou.
Timo Paris
Hand to hand collaboration in creations and researches together with the dancer, choreographer and swiss artist Timo Paris.
Instagram : timo.paris
s u t r a h o u s e
Artistic Programmer
(Musical activities)
A Space for Meditation, Yoga, Nutrition, Therapy and Healing Arts.
Set into a forested hillside near above the Rhine valley and village of Riehen, Switzeland - A sanctuary where one can re-connect to the inner life. Sutra House is designed as an architecture and spiritual space for contemplation & connection, nourishing the body & mind.
Instagram : sutrahouse_
Château Promenois
Artistic Director (Musical activities)
Dorothea and Georg Fankhauser have been managing the Promenois Castle in Burgundy, France, for 30 years.
You will inhabit this property privately, as a family and with friends. At regular intervals they receive artists, musicians, painters, tango dancers, etc., who mostly enjoy the castle and its surroundings as groups for a while and work in this beautiful place. They organize concerts several times a year.
It is important to Dorothea and Georg Fankauser to create and maintain a place where social interaction, art and nature can enrich and revive in a balanced rhythm.
KlangMundo Kammerorchester
Philantropic Chamber Orchestra created together with the guitarist Pablo Márquez links concerts/repertory with the promotion and fund of social/ecological projects.
Instagram : klang.mundo
Site under construction